OVER 75 YEARS OF High Quality BRONZED Heirlooms
What are Patty-Cakes?
Patty-Cakes are actual bronzed castings made from your babies hand & foot impression. Each heirloom quality piece is handcrafted in a 36 step process and comes with a lifetime guarantee. They never need polishing & won't break or deteriorate like other casting products. We also offer the same high quality products for your pets (Patty-Paws) and teens or adults . They capture a brief moment in time for you to treasure for many years to come. They are precious today...priceless tomorrow.
How do I get Patty-Cakes® & Patty-Paws™ made?
There are 2 ways to get Patty-Cakes® & Patty-Paws™. You can order from our website here and we will ship you a kit with complete step by step instructions on how to capture your impressions at home. Using our kit allows you to do impressions on your own time and when it is most convenient for you & your child. We are available via phone or text to help you with any questions you have.
Or if you prefer someone to help you with your impressions & order we have Casting Consultants located through out the US, click this link to find a list of our active consultants Find A Casting Consultant .

Contact Info
Patty-Cakes International, Inc.
334.272.2826 / pattycakesinternational@gmail.com / connect@patty-cakes.com